Tuesday 6 December 2016


Why?  Why do I have such a block against something that is my absolute dream to do?   Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, drops the following wisdom in its pages:

There's a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don't and the secret is this:  it's not the writing part that's hard.  What's hard is sitting down to write.

Pressfield knows what he is talking about.  Until today, I believed my writing had always been terrible, even during the years I wrote with at least some frequency.  Imagining the amount of work required to bring even my best writing up to snuff felt overwhelming.

Today I popped a few chunks of text from back then into The Writer's Diet testing website, and surprisingly found everything within the ideal "lean" category.  Apparently, with practice I can get better at writing?  Who knew?!

Pretty much everyone.  For some reason, I keep believing that no amount of practice can lift my deplorable prose to a readable level.  I can't let writing continue to feel like such an overwhelming process.  I'm going to try a new protocol in the hopes of amping up how often I write and for how long.  Each day, I will write one tiny story, or a snippet of one.  Just a paragraph would be enough, more if I feel like it.  And I'll post my snippets here every few days, in an attempt to remain accountable to this new plan.  Working with The Writer's Diet testing site, I will show the transformation of my tiny paragraphs into more polished story snippets.

Here goes!